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I love finding stories of ordinary men and women who may not have been great or "successful" in the eyes of the world, but had a great love for God. Their lives show us that no matter who you are or where you are in life, God can use you for His kingdom. While our situations and backgrounds may differ from theirs, we meet on common ground by our faith in Jesus Christ, and reading about their lives can encourage and inspire us in our own present journeys of faith.


While we look up to these people and desire to emulate their faith, we must also remember that they were not perfect and fell short as we do. No human being can be placed on a pedestal, because perfection belongs to God alone.


As we read and are inspired, we are ultimately pointed to Jesus, because these stories are really not about these men and women, just as our lives are not about us. Praise God that through Jesus, we can rest in the hope that just as we see how God worked in the lives of imperfect people through His Holy Spirit, He is working in ours to sanctify and mold us into the image of His Son. 


" . . . looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God."

Hebrews 12:2


This blog highlights different stories over different times in history, but they all serve one purpose: to point readers to Jesus. I pray that by God's grace this would be the purpose of our lives as well. 


I also enjoy just sharing lessons and thoughts that the Lord has been teaching to me, so you will find some of those posts along with the biographical ones. I pray these would be an encouragement and blessing to you.

Hi, I'm Isabella!

Thanks for stopping by! If you're reading this blog, good chance you're a history lover like me. Or maybe you like biographies or just blogs in general. Whoever you are, I hope this blog encourages you in your story.


At first, I didn't plan to have an "About" section for myself (what are you supposed to write anyways?), but when I read other blogs, I always feel a connection to the author and their words when I know a little about them. So here it goes...


​I'm just an ordinary Arizona native, second oldest in a family of eight kids, homeschool graduate, book worm, and lover of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.


When I was in high school, my family purchased an RV and we traveled across the U.S. which grew my love for travel and hiking. So far internationally, I have been to Ethiopia and Ireland on missions trips.


I've played the violin since I was eight, and while I love playing in the Symphony, my favorite experiences have been playing in church and recently worship music on the streets of Sligo, Ireland.


After graduating high school in 2019, I felt the Lord leading me on a different path than college, and since then, it's been an adventure letting the Lord direct each step. He's done far more than I could have imagined or accomplished in my own strength or abilities. While it has not always been easy being off the well-paved path, it has strengthened my walk with the Lord and trust in Him in ways I would have missed out on otherwise. I call it my "road less traveled." 


Missionary Lilias Trotter sums it up well:


    "When God delays in fulfilling our little thoughts, it is to have Himself room to work out His great ones."


How true I have seen this to be! God is good!


​My dream day consists of bundling up in a blanket surrounded by trees with a good book! :)


I'd love to hear from you!

Thank you for reaching out!

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